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MSc Geographical Information Systems

Understand our changing world

Updated for September 2025


Develop your knowledge of cutting-edge Geographical Information Systems to map, analyse and communicate about real-world problems.


Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are increasingly important to understanding the changing planet. On this course we’ll explore the power of GIS in both analysing and communicating spatial data, developing cutting-edge skills. Along the way you’ll gain real-world experience in a range of industrial and academic sectors, giving you the knowledge and skills you need to kickstart your career.


The course provides a balance of academic and practical content, enabling you to use GIS in real-life applied scenarios.  We offer opportunities to work with partners in industry. Previously this has included the Environment Agency, South Yorkshire Forest Partnership, Kew Gardens and United Utilities.

Msc geographical information systems modules

Trimester 1 (September-January)


Develop your toolkit of skills to understand society and the natural environment. In this module you will integrate core GIS skills with the broader fieldwork, literacy, numeracy, and presentation skills that a modern GIS professional requires.


Use your GIS skills to analyse our changing world, and communicate clearly with a range of audiences. In this module you will use data collection and GIS analysis techniques to monitor change, and then communicate your findings effectively online.

Trimester 2 (January-May)


Expand your knowledge and application of cutting-edge GIS techniques. In this module you will focus on new emerging technologies in GIS, including AI and cloud computing, and plan for your continued professional development to keep pace with the advancing field.


Apply your expertise to a professional context. In this module you will experience the use of GIS in a range of professional contexts, and apply your skills to a real-life project in partnership with colleagues in the industry.

Trimester 3 (May-August)


Advance our understanding of the world through the application of your GIS skills. In this module you will plan and execute an independent research project, with a freedom to explore the range of topics that GIS allows.

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